Four years after being awarded the Fiona Reynolds Global Dialogue Scholarship, Jodie Barns finally headed over to Toronto for the Global Dialogue Conference. The Conference is designed to bring together experts drawn from diverse fields such as climate change, investments, sustainable finance, risk and governance, member engagement and operations to discuss the global issues relevant to North Americans and Australians. The unique face-to-face networking opportunities enabled peer to peer learning and sharing of insights.

ESSSuper CEO and WIS National Chair Robbie Campo was also thrilled to be over in Toronto – ‘It was great to see Jodie Barns, the WIS Global Dialogue Scholarship recipient, at this event. The Global Dialogue provides an incredible development opportunity for the scholarship recipient, through the formal conference sessions, the opportunity to network with very senior leaders from our industry and gain broad insights from international experts in an intensive learning environment. It was great to see Jodie facilitate a session on Sustainable Investing in Emerging Markets, as well as benefit from the incredible opportunity this scholarship provides – just one of the ways that WIS works to ensure women can thrive and fully participate in the Australian superannuation system.’

We offer scholarships – both our national and state-based – throughout the year and encourage all our members to apply – they could be life and career changing!

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